Following YonderStar
How to Display a Nativity Set in Spring
When most people think of nativity sets, they often associate them with the Christmas season. However, there's no reason why these beautiful decorations can't be displayed year-round! In fact, one particularly stunning way to showcase nativity sets is by incorporating them into your spring décor.One of the best ways to make your nativity set stand out during the spring season is by adding vibrant pops of color. There are a few different ways to achieve this:Use colorful fabrics:
Instead o
Apr 21st 2023
Whatever Happened to General Foam Plastics and the Blow Mold Plastic Nativity Sets?
Back in the 1950s, the plastics industry was thriving. The post war economic boom was realized, especially in the United States because the US did not have to rebuild infrastructure devastated by the ravages of war. Plastics became popular as they were cheap and versatile. They carried with them a perception of modernism bent towards a refrain of a wondrous future. We now know the devastating problems that plastics cause and hope to work for a brighter, renewable future.
Empire of Carol
Nov 6th 2022
Easter - a time of renewal, celebration and faith
While YonderStar is a year-'round "Christmas" shop, we also herald the arrival of spring and the celebration of Easter !Arriving this year on April 17th, the date of Easter is a "moveable feast", if you will, occurring annually anywhere from March 22 and April 25th. Its date is determined by the moon; specifically, it falls on the first full moon after the spring equinox (the first day of spring). A small hiccup occurs when the first full moon and spring equinox occur on the same day
Apr 4th 2022
A Closer Look at the Henning Nativity from Norway
Sometimes it can be hard to see as many details as you'd like from just a few photos. So we have been recording video of some of our favorite nativity scenes here at YonderStar. Ideally, we'll get them all recorded sooner or later! Never enough hours in the day, is there?
Here is a video of one of our favorites - the Henning Nativity collection from Norway.There are so many features we love in this nativity set and we spotlighted a few of them in the video - hope you enjoy it!
Jul 16th 2020
Christmas in Lesotho and the Mokorotlo
In the African kingdom of Lesotho, more than 95 percent of the people are Christian and both Christmas Day and Boxing Day are spent in similar fashions. The people of Lesotho do not work on those days, but spend the day attending church, singing traditional songs, and visiting family. Traditional foods served for Christmas celebrations in Lesotho are meats such as sheep or goat, papa (a stiff porridge similar to grits) and joala (a fermented alcoholic beverage made from hops, bread, or sorghum d
Jun 14th 2020