Ecuador Christmas Traditions and Pase del Niño Viajero
Every December 24th in Ecuador's capital city of Quito, a huge parade is held to celebrate the coming of the infant Jesus. Religious themed parade floats, music and dancing travel throughout the town of Quito, and ultimately end at the Catedral de la Inmaculada for Christmas church services.
The star of the parade is, of course, the infant Jesus. A statue of the Christ child called Niño Viajero or the Child Traveler is the focus of the procession.
Here is a photo I just love - the national police escorting the parade and carrying a banner of the Christ child:

Ecuador also has a strong tradition of displaying a nativity scene, also known as a pesebre. In the Ecuadorian tradition, the infant Jesus is not placed in the nativity scene until midnight on Christmas Eve.
A pesebre from Ecuador is traditionally brightly colored, like these Ecuadorian nativity scenes shown below:

Nochebuena (Christmas Eve) in Ecuador is traditionally celebrated by attending a church service. Families bring the infant Jesus from their nativity scene to church for a blessing by the priest, and then return home to lay Jesus in the manger at midnight.
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