Fontanini nativity three wisemen scaled for the smaller size 3.5" scale Fontanini Nativity scene. Wisemen is a 3 piece figure set.
Fontanini Nativity figures are made in Italy and are richly detailed and hand-painted in an old-world palette for authenticity and enduring beauty. The figures are handcrafted from a specially formatted polymer that is resistant to chipping and breaking.
1 Review
Nativity Downsizing
After many years of enjoying our large Fontanini crèche, we decided to give it to a young family with several children. We wanted to downsize to a smaller set; our home is smaller now & we have less space to display the nativity scene. I searched a less expensive but similar version and ended up returning it due to poor quality. Finally I decided to order this small Fontanini set. You get what you pay for, and you can’t beat the finish & quality of workmanship. This set is just as beautiful as our last one, just a smaller version.