
Nativity Scenes - Turkey

Nativity Scenes - Turkey

Turkey has a rich history of ceramic and textile art which are on beautiful display here in our Turkish nativity sets

  • nativity scene carnations Turkish nativity scene

    Fritware Nativity from Turkey Mixed Carnations

    Fair Trade

    Stylized carnations were used in art during the Ottoman empire to reflect wealth and abundance. Different colored carnations beautifully decorate this nativity scene from Turkey. Turkish carnations are typically shown as large fan-like single...
  • nativity set from Turkey Turkish nativity scene

    Fritware Nativity Set from Turkey Blue Carnations

    Fair Trade

    The halic spiral design on this Turkish nativity set is a traditional motif in Turkish art originating during the Ottoman empire.  Flowing spiral designs inspired by the bay of Istanbul gracefully decorate this  nativity scene from Turkey. The...
  • Turkish nativity scene Turkish nativity set

    Nativity Set from Turkey Multi Colored Carnations

    Fair Trade

    Stylized carnations were used in art during the Ottoman empire to reflect wealth and abundance. Multi-colored carnations beautifully decorate this nativity scene from Turkey. Turkish carnations are typically shown as large fan-like single flowers...
  • Turkish nativity scene Turkey nativity scene

    Turkish Nativity Set with Red Carnations

    Fair Trade

    Stylized carnations were used in art during the Ottoman empire to reflect wealth and abundance. Red carnations beautifully decorate this nativity scene from Turkey. Turkish carnations are typically shown as large fan-like single flowers. Our Turkish...
  • Nativity Set Turkey Halic Nativity Scene Turkey Halic

    Turkish Nativity Set Blue Halic Design

    Fair Trade

    The halic spiral design on this Turkish nativity set is a traditional motif in Turkish art originating during the Ottoman empire.  Flowing spiral designs inspired by the bay of Istanbul gracefully decorate this  nativity scene from Turkey. The...
  • Turkey Nativity Scene Turkish Nativity Set

    Turkish Nativity Scene with Blue Tulips

    Fair Trade

    The tulip is a traditional motif in Turkish art and blue tulips decorate this beautiful nativity scene from Turkey. Did you know in the 16th century, the Dutch brought tulip bulbs to Holland from Turkey? The name tulip is derived from the Turkish word...
  • Turkish nativity Nativity set from Turkey

    Turkish Nativity Scene with Red Tulips

    Fair Trade

    The tulip is a traditional motif in Turkish art and it beautifully decorates this nativity scene from Turkey. Did you know in the 16th century, the Dutch brought tulip bulbs to Holland from Turkey? The name tulip is derived from the Turkish word tulbend...